
stories through silence

So the paint on my D and K keys is emaciated.
Naw not really emaciated. I just wanted to use that word. More like astoundingly worn away.
I don't even get how this happened. One day I looked at them, and there were these huge mangled bare spots ground into the paint, like something had dented them. I suppose it's just because of my nails hitting them so much or something, but all the same, it's odd.
And now a bit of the paint on my fn key is gone too. Just a bit.
I don't even use that key.

Also, I'm reading Eldest, and I just got to the exciting part where the separate plots all converge, and everyone and everything comes together AND IT'S THE MOMENT OF TRUTH.
I'm also still learning new words. So far I've gotten mephitic and turgid out of this reading. I particularly like turgid because it can be used to refer to really full clouds or flooded rivers or the like, but it's also for when people say things that're 'pompous' and—like . . . like extravagant speeches that really don't mean much. There's so much intense vocabulary in here, just, wow. And Christopher Paolini was so young when he published this! I'm going to be like him. @.@ Someday.

I'd really love to be reading Looking For Alaska right now, but my siblings have been demanding I finish the Inheritance cycle quickly. They're still waiting for me to get through the last book so they can read it, too. D: Oops. So I read Looking For Alaska's first page, but that's it. IT'S BEAUTIFUL SO FAR THOUGH. John Green's proper grammar is impressive, and I . . . well, I really haven't gathered much in terms of plot and characters yet, but I'm looking forward to being able to actually read through this, seeing as Paper Towns was so gorgeous and yee.

"There's a letter here waiting to go in the mail; in my head it's all clear, but I'm not quite prepared to fade away. Don't fade away. Somehow I'm trying to do this right."

THIS SONG. 私の神. I'm not even listening to it, but it's captured me so efficiently. It makes me think of my otp. ;_; I . . . okay here I'm going to stick it in here. Right in here. I adore it.

I've heard stories through silence, and we laugh at the end 
and declare that today was the best day we've lived. 
But the end of the night draws a calm to the dark,
where I dream you exist in the places you aren't.
I'm cold inside,
and these pictures can't even explain
what's missing in my life.
The coldest of calendars~
I couldn't have it any better.
Half the time I am alive just to see your smile.
I'm cold inside.
I'm cold inside.
Someday you will understand.
It just takes a little time.
There's a letter here waiting to go in the mail.
In my head it's all there, but I'm not quite prepared
to fade away.
Don't fade away.
Somehow I'll try to do this right.
I'm cold inside,
and these pictures can't even explain 
what's missing in my life.
The coldest of calendars~
I couldn't have it any better.
Half the time I am alive just to see your smile.
Sometimes I feel cold inside,
and it feels like I am sleeping outside.
Indoors there's a light I can see in your eyes.
I've seen nights without sleep, days without daylight.
These memories I keep won't keep me warm at night.
The coldest part is the heart that we share.
It's breaking apart and you're not even here
to say things will get better,
so, freezing, I'll blanket my discontent till I sleep again.
I'm cold inside.
I'm saving a story that won't begin til you're there.
 It makes my heart ache to daydream about it. XD

I'm sort of a sucker for things that do that to me. I recently finished watching Wolf's Rain, and I cried so fucking much that I knew I was in love with it. And now I'm working on FMA, which has already made me want to sit and sob. But the thing with FMA is that its sorrow is a different kind. With Wolf's Rain it was a "No, but ;__; Kiba . . . Toboe . . . Tsume . . . Hige . . . Blue . . . I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH; WHY, JUST, WHY"
But FMA has this sort of disturbing undertone to the sad elements, so it's just . . . the events are terrible, and then you cry because it's sad, too.

But with Coldest of Calendars, omg. I adore that song, and I feel incredibly lucky for that because I got it for free, on a sampler CD that came with Take This To Your Grave, and the piano is gorgeous (I adore piano), and the harmonization is so bittersweet, and the song really really really really makes me think about my otp.

Then again though, most songs do that to me. I'm in a bit of an obsession.

Sometimes I have these moments where I'm sitting there thinking about actions I just performed, and then I have this sudden disorienting jolt where it feels like I'm only in a dream and like whatever I just did wasn't something connected to me at all, like it was just something performed by a body that I happened to be occupying, and then I wonder at myself for a split second before everything feels normal again.

Oro really likes guitars.

I really like Apple products.

Ryuk and Steve Jobs might've gotten along. Maybe there should be fanfic where Steve Jobs is Kira instead of Light Yagami, and then it's Ryuk's fault that Steve dies, and instead of being a total jerk Light gets to be a completely normal (ish) teenage boy with a normal life who dies a successful policeman who never once did something illegal.

Eh, I don't know what sort of an interesting plot would come out of it though. And it wouldn't be very enjoyable if there wasn't some significant reason for the plot to be that way anyway.

I . . . I should be trying to sleep. I'm tired, and I need to wake up tomorrow.

Oh yeah, and I was supposed to be composing my schedule, too. -le sigh- Ah well. Good night, internet. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.


  1. That does sound like an interesting fanfiction! o:

    Except Mr. Jobs might have reacted much differently to the Death Note. I wonder if he would have even wanted to use it. I mean, the more people who die, the less people who can buy iPhones.

  2. That's quite true, you know. I don't know anything about his mental condition or morals either, so maybe he would've . . . o.O like, donated it to the mafia or burned it or ignored it or something. We can't expect him to be as odd as Light is.
